Dabinn的筆記:Windows與Apple AirPlay - 樂多日誌 2012年10月24日 ... AirPlay for Windows Media Center - Beta 1 ( Thomas Pleasance ) ... 這很輕鬆, 下載XBMC,執行後AirPlay裝置就在iPad上出現了不像WMC那個 ...
Downloads | XBMC XBMC is a free and open source media player application developed by the XBMC Foundation, a non-profit technology consortium. XBMC is available for multiple operating-systems and hardware platforms, featuring a 10-foot user interface for use with televisi
Inchoate Thoughts – Launching XBMC with a Windows Media Center Remote Hi Just a quick question on this – I ahve had a terrible time getting my Harmony One (emulating an MCE Remote) to launch xbmc on a consistent basis. Can you advise whether the only changes listed in your article are required. I notice that in the rar file
Windows Hardware Dev Center Archive (Windows Drivers) Looking for content about earlier versions of Windows? Then check out these archived topics. ... Your feedback about this content is important. Let us know what you think.
TVersity Media Server - Official Site For Service Providers and pay TV Operators AirFlinger - our Media Shifting SDK for iOS and Android - add AirPlay like experience to your STB! AppFlinger - our HTML5 browser running in the cloud and delivering HTML5 apps to any STB!
AirPlay for Windows Media Center – Beta 1 - MadeforMediaCenter ... User Comments. it works great for being a beta you must add music AirPlay for sure it may be great :) thanks!! how does it work? NOT SO GOOD JUST THE ...
You can now AirPlay your iOS media to Windows ... - 9to5Mac 2011年5月24日 - Grab the AirPlay for Windows Media Center add-in (still in beta) at Thomas ... personal homepage, it's a tiny half a megabyte download.
Stream AirPlay Videos to Windows with a Windows Media ... 2011年5月24日 - Windows: We've shared a few plugins to make your entire home AirPlay-compatible, but if you're a Windows Media Center user, this plugin will ...
AirPlay for Windows Media Center - YouTube 2011年5月24日 - 1 分鐘 - 上傳者:mobiputing First look at an AirPlay client for Windows Media Center which lets you stream photos and ...
AirPlay for Windows Media Center - YouTube 2011年5月23日 - 2 分鐘 - 上傳者:sennir100 AirPlay for Windows Media Center -- Beta 1 from Thomas Pleasance. My Review: ...